Digital Forensics:An introduction to Kroll Artifact Parser and Extractor (KAPE)
Kroll Artifact Parser And Extractor (KAPE)
Kroll's Artifact Parser and Extractor (KAPE) – created by Kroll senior director and three-time Forensic 4:cast DFIR Investigator of the Year Eric Zimmerman – lets forensic teams collect and process forensically useful artifacts within minutes.
- We will use the forensics tool KAPE to collect and process files from a device.
- KAPE does not need to be installed. It is portable and can be used from network locations or USB drives.
Prerequisite steps:
- From amongst kape.exe and gkape.exe, which binary is used to run GUI version of KAPE?
- Ans:gkape.exe
- Use the search bar to search for the targets needed based on reading what is being asked in the challenge questions.
- You can also use the “KapeTriage” compound Target which collects most of the files needed for a DFIR investigation.
- Select the “Use Module options” option.
- Set the “Module destination” as the path to an empty folder created on the desktop
- Select the !EZParser module
- What is the name of the file that was deleted on 30/05/2024?
- See the “DeleteOn” column:
- In EZViewer go to File > Open.
- Open this csv file in EZViewer:
- EZparser\FileDeletion
- How many times did this program py.exe run?
- 10
- What is the full path to the program executable?
- Interesting Directories Accessed?
- See the “ExecutableName” column:
- In EZViewer go to File > Open.
- Open this csv file in EZViewer:
- EZparser\ProgramExecution
The EvidenceOfExecution Target will collect files related to various program execution artifacts, including Prefetch and Amcache that reside within Windows.
- When was the last time the USB drive was removed?
- See the “LastRemove” column:
- In EZViewer go to File > Open.
- Open this csv file in EZViewer:
- EZparser\Registry
The RegistryHives Target collects the Registry Hives specified within the following Targets: RegistryHivesSystem.tkape and RegistryHivesUser.tkape. This means the following Registry Hives will be collected: SAM, SOFTWARE, SYSTEM, SECURITY, NTUSER.dat, DEFAULT, UsrClass.dat.