Saturday, September 9, 2017

DIGITAL FORENSICS:Incident Response ICTCS 2017 - Workshops

DIGITAL FORENSICS:Incident Response ICTCS 2017 - Workshops


Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) Workshop

Crime committed on computers or information stored on computers is rapidly increasing, especially when our daily lives have become more reliant on devices and digital information. This "Digital Forensics and Incident Response" workshop will focus on two of the most critical fields in all of information security. It will help participants gain both the theoretical and practical skills required to perform digital forensic investigations and respond to computer incidents, by applying hands-on experience with realworld scenarios. The goal of the workshop is to inspire the interest of participants with diverse backgrounds, spread the awareness of fighting cybercrime, and build a better DFIR community. Keywords: Digital Forensics, DFIR, Incident Response, Investigation
The Digital Forensics and Incident Response Workshop focuses on identifying, investigating, and remeidating computer network exploitation. DFIR1 is a broad field and this workshop will serve as your first step in fighting against cyber crime. In particular, it will show and cover the following:
  • Introduction to Digital Forensics and Incident Response,
  • Trending Research Areas,
  • Disk Imaging, Mounting, and Verification,
  • File Carving and File analysis,
  • Working with Autopsy, Searching and indexing,
  • Analyzing Internet history, Thumbnails and Prefetch Files,
  • Basic Windows Registry Analysis,
  • Generating Reports,
  • Extra: Performing Basic DFIR Triage from Collection to Analysis.
Requirements for the participants
To be able to participate in the hands-on sessions during the workshop you will need a Laptop with your prefered operating system and a virtual machine hypervisor such as Virtualbox2 or VMWare3 installed. You will need to download a Windows VM (preferably 7/8)4 , and the CyLR CDQR Forensics Virtual Machine (CCF-VM)5 . Finally, you will also need to download a number of digital forensic tools. The full list will be announced one week before the workshop.
Provided materials
The material and all the instructions will be publicly available on a dedicated Github repository. The repository will be announced at the workshop. You are invited to contribute, open issues and ask questions there after the workshop. The final materials will be published after the workshop day.
9:00-10:00 Introduction to Digital Forensics and Incident Response, Trending Research Areas
10:00-10:30 Data acquisition and Verification
10:30-11:00 Hands-on: Disk Imaging, Mounting, and Hashing
11:00-11:15 Coffee Break
11:15-11:30 File Carving and File Analysis
11:30-12:00 Hands-on: File carving, recovering deleted files, and file Analysis
12:00-13:00 Hands-on: Working with Autopsy, Searching and indexing
13:00-14:00 Lunch
14:00-14:30 Artifacts: Internet history, Thumbnails, Prefetch Files, Basic Windows Registry Analysis
14:30-15:30 Hands-on: Analyzing Windows Forensic Artifacts
15:30-16:30 Extra: DFIR Triage: From Collection to Analysis
16:30-17:00 Conclusions, Closing Remarks, Q&A Session
By the end of this workshop, attendees will:
  1. have good understanding of DFIR aspects and trending research areas,
  2. be able to perform data acquisition and verify data,
  3. know how to apply file carving techniques to recover deleted files and analyze acquired files,
  4. learn the essentials of working with Autopsy, and analyzing different Windows artifacts,
  5. have the ability to perform easy DFIR triage starting from data collection to analysis.

Incident Response ICTCS 2017 - Workshops 

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ICTCS-2017-Incident Response-Workshops

#WindowsForensic #ComputerForensics #dfir #forensics #digitalforensics #computerforensic #investigation #cybercrime #fraud #ฝึกทำLab

* หากมีข้อมูลข้อผิดพลาดประการใด ขออภัยมา ณ ที่นี้ด้วย  รบกวนแจ้ง Admin เพื่อแก้ไขต่อไป

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